瀬戸石膏型組合 |
・お菓子用・製造販売・ルミセラクレイ |

瀬戸において、この型の受注生産をしております。 |
Paste of Glass Technigue (pate-de-verre)
Glass Handicrafts.
Paste of Glass Technigue is one of the casting method that use powder
of glass by putit into the fireproof plaster mold then firing it.
This techigue extremely old from the Egypt acient time and becamed
extinction at thesame time that the development of the blowing technigue
was poscible for the massproduction.After that, at the end of 19th
century, Henri Cxos (French) rediscovery thistechnigue and brighten
it up in the Art Nouveau Style. Although there are many Artistsbut
this technigue wasn't been opening to the public just use it as a
secret techniguethat pass by generation to generation. So it dosen't
succeed to follow widely and also hasbeen called a witchcraft technigue.
Now here at Seto,we are pleased to take the order of the fire proof
plaster mold Production.
Seto Plaster mold Manufacture Cooperative Association
Seto-si Yamate-cho
272-3 tel : (81) 0561- 83- 3080 fax : (81) 0561- 85- 1456 |
これらの作品の価格・寸法等は |
事務局までお気軽にお問い合わせ下さい |
〒489-0874 愛知県瀬戸市幡野町81-88
TEL : 0561-83-3080 FAX : 0561-85-1456
mail:setokata@synnet.or.jp |