Aichi Prefectural Federation of Small Business Associations
Federation of Small Business Associations is:
Federation of Small Business Associations (FSBA) was originally established as "Federation of the Cooperative Associations of Small and Medium Enterprises" in September in 1955 based on the amendment of the Law on the Cooperative Association of Small and Medium Enterprises. When the Law Concerning the Organization of Small and Medium Enterprises Organizations was enforced in April 1958, the name of the federation was changed into the current one.
For the purpose of promotion and development, FSBA guides and encourages small businesses to make and strengthen a cooperative organization. There are Prefectural Federations of Small Business Associations separately organized in each prefecture and the National Federation of Small Business Associations.
FSBA consists of common facility cooperatives, small common facility cooperatives, credit cooperatives, federations of cooperatives, business cooperatives, joint business cooperatives, commerce and industry trade associations, and relevant federations, shopping district development associations and relevant federations, and other cooperatives or organizations concerning small enterprises. In this respect, FSBA is a comprehensive supervisory organization covering various cooperatives for small enterprises, and it is considered to be a special corporation giving priority to the public interest.
FSBA supports small enterprises in establishing and running cooperatives and also gives advice on management including finance, tax and labor problems.
In order to guide and assist cooperatives, FSBA carries out various activities such as guidance for opportunity exploration, activities for handling information technology, seminars, and individual guidance by experts. These activities are subsidized by the government and local governments and are carried out in cooperation with departments of governmental and prefectural offices in charge of small enterprises.
FSBA is responsible for collecting opinions and requests from small enterprises so that they are taken into consideration in policies of national and local governments through Prefectural FSBA and National FSBA.